Wednesday, April 23, 2014



I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while and finally decided to jump into it! So here it is! I guess I'll start with a quick introduction and a little about my family and I! 

I have been happily married to my husband of almost five years, Matthew! We lived in Las Vegas, (where he was born and raised) for about 4 1/2 years and recently moved to Oklahoma City, OK. We have two pups, that I'm sure you'll see plenty of photos of, named Achilles (an Olde English Bulldog) and Perseus (a Cowboy Corgi). 

Here are a few hopes for what this blog will become:

-Lifestyle. Documenting our journey as husband/wife for us to look back on or to share with our families. This will include random posts about love, life, faith, and anything else that life throws my (our) way. :P

-DIY projects. I love doing things hands on. 

-Crafts. Whatever projects I do in my spare time as a homemaker. 

-Food. I didn't actually learn to cook until my husband and I got married. I am still very much a newbie in the kitchen, but am learning and growing each year! I hope to share some of our tried and true favorite recipes! 

-Photos. A couple of years ago, we bought DSLR cameras and I desperately miss using it! I'm hoping this outlet will help me utilize my camera much more! 

I am sooooo excited to share bits and pieces of our life with you and to see how this blog unfolds! 

Our engagement photos. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Yay for joining blog land :) Excited to follow!!

    Caroline from

    1. <3! now i'm able to see your blog (and follow) as well! (I had tried before, but it said it was private or something.)



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